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FBA Send-Ins - Amazon Errors - Red triangle
FBA Send-Ins - Amazon Errors - Red triangle
Error: You must include a valid ShipmentID with a call to the CreatelnboundShinment operation. Get ShipmentID values by calling the CreatelnboundShipmentPlan oneration. [...]
1 359244019053 Complete 0 0 1 0 1 Error 1 Expiration date is required but not for SKU "MT-U [...]" in '"C01586 [...]"' in "1" (FBA INBOUND CARTON 015) . Error Message
FBA Send-In (submission) Error - Error Messages - Red Triangle
Error - Some Send-Ins could not be created in Amazon - Red triangle - Error message from Amazon - FBA Send-Ins not working
Reason: Name field must be no longer than 50 bytes [Amazon error message]
This operation may be partially successful, Please check the status. Reason: encryptedMerchantCustomerId: XXXXX is unable to inbound. Reason: Seller is blocked by the AndonCordManager. [Amazon error message]
FTXGatewayService.estimateSpdShipment returned error code: 412 [Error message from Amazon]
This operation may be partially successful, Please check the Status. Reason: Invalid item for MSKU "XY" with reason EXTERNAL_ID_MAPS_MULTIPLE_IAIDS_FOR_EXISTING_MAP [Amazon error message]
This operation my be partially successful, please check the status. Reason: Incorrect PrepInstruction provided for SKUs= [...] Please call GetPrepInstructionsForSku operation to determine requiered/ Labeling Service/Labeling [Error message from Amazon].
COVID19_LIMIT_EXCEEDED... [Error message from Amazon] - (total send-in) vs. 9999 (limit)
Cannot use partnered carrier for hazmat shipment...[Error message from Amazon]
This operation may be partially successful, please check the status. Reason: [...] reason MISSING_DIMENSIONS [Error message from Amazon] Missing product or carton dimensions
Error message: Invalid item for MSKU (reason: HAZMAZ) [Error message from Amazon]
Package weight is not positive ... [Error message of Amazon]