With every order in your warehouse you can automatically create a order picking table. This will be automatically added to the e-mail to your warehouse for each additional order.
You can find this function in the e-mail settings (individualization of the e-mail table) of your respective warehouse.
What you need to do:
1) We start in the warehouse administration menu. There you click on 'Settings' of the respective warehouse.
2) Click on the gray 'Manage' field next to 'Email Settings'.
3) Here you can select the email template you want to manage or create a new template.
4) You are now in the 'Edit Email Template for FBA Send-Ins' tab. Scroll down to 'Custom Columns of Content Summary Table in E-Mail'.
5) Here you will find a number of placeholders. Each placeholder stands for a category e.g. SKU, color, number of cartons etc.. Find the placeholders you want to display as a column in your email table and write (or copy) them in the line 'Which columns should be displayed in the overview table in the email?'.
6) Save and ready. π
Information: If you want to preview this setting, put your email in the recipient field and make a proper FBA Send-Ins with VentoryOne. You can cancel the Send-In in VentoryOne again, so the delivery schedule will be cancelled in SellerCentral.
For instructions how to customize your shipping labels, check out this article: