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Menu: Current Stock
Everything about current stock

Set columns uniformly at account level and set as default
Explanation of the intervals in the weighted sales - Sales speed - Seasonality - Sales per day
Current stock: General information about the Current stock menu item
Categorize products and display them in a parent structure - Better overview in the menu item: Current stock - Group SKUs - Form Parents - Product Categories
Manually correct incoming FBA inventory (correcting Amazon inventory errors) - Manually change FBA stock.
Filter current inventory/stock by OOS SKUs/items (Out of stock items) and then initiate a Purchase Order
Create product categories
Current stock: duplicated SKUs
Correction of received purchase orders/goods - correct/edit PO's
Meaning of Color & Status "Total Reach" at "Current Inventory".
SKU stock history - Stock history for a product - Traceability of stock movements